The Blood

Even More Than This

We wanted a song that would encapsulate the Lord’s call over our church to carry this undignified, rid-of-all-pride, laid-down-for-Jesus joy and praise. We began writing from Psalm 100, entering His gates with praise, and as the song progressed we moved to 2 Samuel where David says, “I will be even more undignified than this”. The original note for this song was titled “Joy and High Praise in Chroma” and when we found the line “even more than this” we could immediately see our entire church doing our thing, lost in ecstatic praise repeating this line over and over. This song is an anthem declaring the freedom in praise God has called us to walk in and an encouragement to worship free from the fear of the opinion of the person next to you and lose yourself in the holy adoration of our King and Saviour.

Dance Like David Did

After we wrote our song Even More Than This, we knew there was something more. We needed to end with a response that our church could join in on and that’s when we had the idea to try a praise break. We stripped it back all the way down to drums and slowly added instruments back in until the defining keys moment allowing our church to dance and worship like mad in response to that call to praise. We ran through it in rehearsal and for the service told Aearon to sing something over the final instrumental and we’ll just see what happens. In a true Holy Spirit moment, Aearon came out with “I’m gonna dance like David danced” and right there we found our response. Our church, called to be a place of joy and high praise, was absolutely overflowing with undignified praise.

Angels Ever Sing

Worshipping together as a team at the start of a writing week, the Lord’s presence came in such a beautiful moment and we began to sing, “Angels ever sing how good You are. We join in the chorus singing Holy”. We turned to Revelation 5 and reached out to our pastor Tim who sent us numerous voice notes about the meaning of the passage and the depth of what he gave us blew us away. With those insights we set out to write a song that would carry the tender heart of God alongside the worthy magnitude of our Saviour. We could never fully comprehend the weight of what Jesus bore for us, but this song is a declaration that we will forever choose to be a part of the heavenly chorus giving all glory and honour to the King. He really is so worthy!

Most Beautiful Face

This song was born out of a moment during a writing retreat with some friends when one of them, staring at a crucifix on the wall, began to tear up and said, “I just can’t stop thinking about how beautiful His face is”. We sang that reprise over and over again, “You have the most beautiful face, You have the most beautiful face.” As we began to lead the song in our home church, this song really started to take shape. God spoke to Pastor Steve about worshipping to the same song over our ministry time every Sunday so that as people worshipped the Spirit of testimony would be released and faith would arise in the room to see the miraculous come to earth. “Most Beautiful Face” has become that healing anthem over our church. This song was produced with the intention of smashing through the barriers of unbelief, making way for His healing power to move and the Lord is always so faithful to come as we focus on His glory.

Holy Spirit - Live From The Call Back

The journey to writing Holy Spirit began for Joel on a trip to Avivamiento, Colombia with his dad Steve. Joel was massively impacted by the honour and the emphasis that the church gave to all three members of the Holy Trinity, of whom the Holy Spirit is one. Avivamiento sang songs that specifically lifted praise and worship to Holy Spirit. Their songs were deeply personal and intimate. When Joel asked them about why they wrote the songs they did they replied “why would we sing someone else’s love song? We want to sing our love songs.” On the journey home, Steve turned to Joel and said “we need our Holy Spirit song.” He was right. From there the team started jamming around with some chords and just started singing “Holy Spirit, we love You”. The rest of the song was written around it, describing what Holy Spirit was doing in our midst. We then spent a lot of time trying to nail the production, wanting to create a piece that somehow captured the intimacy with Holy Spirit we were stepping into. This is our love song to Holy Spirit. We want to honour Him, exalt Him and adore Him forever.

I Thank God - Live From The Call Back

Come Home

Come Home speaks of God’s heart for the prodigal children, whom He waits with a desperate longing to welcome home. It is a reminder that His endless love pursues us, that we are chosen and called and that in His new life we are cleansed and redeemed. Writing this song, we found ourselves coming up with lyrics that felt empty until we were given the writingprompt, “Listen to that still, small voice.” Immediately, a friend came to mind.They were in a difficult space, had experienced Christianity in their childhood but did not know Jesus. That didn’t matter, because He knew them and He was calling them home.As we began to write on a personal level, the heart and truth in the song finally began to unfold. Our friend has since surrendered to the Father and given their life to Jesus. This song has become a prophetic declaration that the lost will Come Home.

Son of Suffering

Jesus (All I’m After)
